I'm 8 months old! |
For a change I'm almost on time! It's only March 2nd. Hooray! Liam is 8 months old, and I don't have his stats this time. We're due to go to the doctor next week for his vaccines, so I'll get his weight and length then. In the meanwhile, there is SO much to share!
To start with, Liam has 2 teeth! Two very sharp teeth, actually. He bites like nobody's business, and it becomes a problem when we give him finger foods. Before teeth, he would gum on stuff, sort of dissolve it, and it would go down easy. Now, he takes bites-big bites out of food and gags. So we have to watch him like a hawk and hope that whatever he eats stays down and won't choke him. We think the top two teeth are coming in, and once they do it'll be a lot easier for him to chew (I hope.)
I have two teeth! |
Another new thing is that Liam now loves to turn over on his belly-especially when he sleeps. It was scary at first, and thank goodness for video monitors, but I'm pretty comfortable with it now. There are two problems with this belly sleeping though. One-if he wakes up in the middle of the night he can't figure out how to turn back onto his back so he gets frustrated and cries. The other problem is that somehow the belly sleeping makes his diaper leak. We can't figure out why, but he now wakes up soaked almost every morning.
Finally-we're MOBILE!!! Liam is pseudo-crawling. He gets onto his hands and knees with no problem. But then he uses his hands and arms to push himself BACKWARDS. Poor little guy-can't figure out how to move forward for the life of him. And if I put a toy in front of him to try to get him to move forward he gets so frustrated! He wants the toy but keeps moving farther and farther away. I'm sure he'll learn to move forward eventually though, and then it'll be time to baby proof the house.
Let's see...what else? Ah yes....the playground. Since we've had such fabulous weather here lately, Coby, Liam and I have been frequenting the different parks around here. Liam discovered the swings and boy is he in love! We tried the slides, with Coby holding him and coming down with him. Not so much! We'll keep trying though!
Love that hat...and the boy wearing it!
I love the swing! |
I'm curious to see how long it will take Liam to crawl forward and eventually to walk. Coby never really crawled, and walked right at a year. I have a feeling Liam will walk sooner....Oy!!! Coby is such a fabulous big brother! He always makes Liam laugh. And lately, even when he has friends over he sits down to play with Liam! Check out the pictures!!
My 2 favorite boys in the whole wide world! |
Aww Liam is adorable! great pics! thanks for sharing!