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I love pizza! |
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I love my feet! |
Once again, like a broken record, I'm a week late. This past month has been crazy. About 3 weeks ago Liam got yet another ear infection. Ten days on antibiotics did the trick. It's a good thing he really liked it! His Reflux is finally under control, thanks to Prevacid. He's a changed kid! He sleeps well at night, his breath doesn't smell, and no more spitting up (not that he spat up much before.) The only bad thing is having to time the medicine with his food. The meds have to be given at least 90 minutes after a meal and at least 30 minutes before the next meal. In the morning it's not a big deal. As soon as he wakes up he gets the medicine, then we keep him entertained for 30 minutes and give him breakfast. In the afternoon it gets tricky. The medicine works best if given before 5:30 pm (because of how the acid pumps in the body work). So he has to be done eating no later than 4:00pm. And we have to make sure he eats well so that he's not starving later. I know...for a 7 month old going for 2 hours without food shouldn't be a big deal. But he likes to snack and try foods that we're eating. We've got it under control now. Yay!
While I'm on a medical "run," let me describe our latest adventure. About a week ago we noticed a small black spot on Liam's head, in the back. It was not there before, and I wanted his doctor to have a look. Sure enough, the doctor immediately sent us to a dermatologist, who "shaved" it off (not a fun experience for Liam or mommy) and sent it to pathology. We should be getting the results back by the end of this week. She said that there is a 90% chance it's nothing-just a regular mole. I'd rather not discuss the other 10%.
Other than that, let's talk about some good Liam things. At 7 months he weighs about 18 lbs (he hasn't gotten weighed since 6 months) and is about 26 inches long. He's now in 9-12 month clothes. I feel like we're always clothes shopping (not that I'm complaining!). He sits up all by himself with no problem, and reaches out to toys that are far away. We recently got him a shape-sorter, and he loves to take the shapes out one by one. It's great for his fine motor development. When we put him on his belly he still "swims" most of the time. But he does push up and try to move around. We're pretty sure he'll be walking before he crawls. Of course, every toy goes right in the mouth. This makes life interesting when toys (or a hand) gets shoved in a little too deep at very inopportune times.
Feedings are always fun around here. The majority of his food is still formula from a bottle. But we let him try a lot of things we eat. His latest favorite was pizza. We gave him the crust and he wouldn't let go for anything! He just chewed and chewed. He also likes fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, and Safta Tova's chicken soup. Yesterday we tried Gerber Freeze Dried Yogurt bites and he loved them.
Language wise, we hear a lot more sounds from him. Babababa is still a big one, but we hear the occasional mama, yaya, and uh-oh. He also understands more now. We'll say "where is daddy?" and he'll look at daddy. He also knows light, mommy, Coby, Safta, and teddy bear (all in Hebrew, of course.)
He loves playtime. He's definitely a techno kid. He loves toys that have lights and sounds. He can push buttons and make things spin-so definitely learning cause and effect. Peek-a-boo is a favorite as well.
it's amazing that 7 months have already passed. It's almost time to plan for his birthday (well...I said ALMOST!) See you in month 8!!!!
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