Sunday, November 14, 2010

Liam is 4 Months Old!

Halloween...I wasn't too happy.

We've all been really busy, so this post is a couple of weeks late, but better late than never! It's amazing how quickly time passes, and more than four months have gone by since Liam was born.  At 4 months and 11 days, he weighed 15 lbs. 4 oz (50th percentile) and was 25 and 1/8 inches long (50th percentile.)  His head measured 44 cm. which was 87th percentile.  So when you think about it he's nearly tripled his birth weight at 4 months! 

It's not surprising though-this kid LOVES to eat!  At this point he eats fruit (loves bananas), and veggies (his Safta Tova makes him vegetable soup and puts it in the blender).  He's tried baby yogurt but is not crazy about it.  He also really like oatmeal with banana flavor mixed in with formula and thickened up so he eats it with a spoon.  Sitting in his high chair is one of his favorite things, and he joins us for meals!  But just TRY to have him sit in his chair with only toys.  If he sees us eating he'll yell until we feed him something.

Liam is developing quite a personality!  Even at 4 months, he's developing stranger anxiety.  He'll only smile and laugh at people he's familiar with, and only likes to be held by people he knows.  He doesn't nap much during the day, but in return he'll sleep about 10-11 hours every night!  We'll take it!

He's getting a lot more playful as well.  He bats at toys and tries to grab them.  He loves sitting in his jumperoo or exersaucer and is now learning to spin and manipulate the toys on them.  He's also discovered Barney!  So once a day when we need to get stuff done or need a shower (imagine that!) we'll sit him in his swing and put a Barney DVD on.  It's very cute to see him try to "talk" to Barney!  But his number one favorite thing is still being outside.  So we go out at least once a day and go for a walk either in the stroller or in the Moby Wrap. 

Big brother Coby is a great help too, and Liam just adores him.  Coby can always make him laugh, and helps entertain him when we're in the car.  I wasn't sure about this 9 plus years age gap, but it's turning out to be a great thing. 

I can't wait to see what new things Liam learns next!  Every day there is something new!!!
The eight dwarf! Isn't he cute????

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