I made a mistake today. I found an old book I had gotten when Coby was a baby- Your Baby's First Year Week by Week. Granted, that was almost 10 years ago but I don't think a lot has changed as far as developmental milestones, right? It's a terrible thing to compare your kids. But I don't think any parents can help it. I was looking at the different milestones and was thinking "Liam can do this, but not that. Coby did this at this age...." How awful! And it's going to get worse, I just know it! First of all, because Coby has Autism, I am constantly already looking for signs. I'm driving Brian and my mom nutso! Second, because Coby has such a high IQ and started reading around age 3, and is AG and all that, I'm going to have a hard time if Liam is "typical." It's sickening to think this way, I know. I love both my boys equally. They're my heart!!! I need to get out of this mindframe. Each child is different and special in his or her own way!!!
...bestest boys! |
My two... |
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