So here is what being one year old is like for Liam:At a year old, he weighs 22 lbs (49th percentile), is 29 inches long (25th percentile), and has a head circumference of 48 cm (98th percentile.)
He's starting to walk, and will walk up to about 7 steps independently. He crawls and cruises everywhere, and gets into everything! New favorite toys are plastic bowls, lids, baby bottle caps, and hard plastic balls played on the kitchen floor where they make lots of noise when dropped. He loves any kind of ball though; big, small, hard, soft. If it's round and it rolls, he wants it. He's learning to put shapes into a shape sorter, and can pick out the blue circle, red triangle, and green square when asked. At this point, I hold the shape over the correct spot and he helps me push it in. He also loves any toy that makes music, still adores books, and has a new teddy bear that he picked out at Build A Bear. His favorite color, by far, is the color blue. Why blue? We have no idea. But blue is the best color EVER! If Liam has a choice between toys, it's gotta be the blue one!
Speech wise, Liam still only has a few words. But he definitely understands a lot. If you ask him if he wants to go on a walk he'll go straight to his stroller. Ask if he wants to watch a video and he'll pull you to the television. He'll roll you a ball when you ask him to, and even give you a high five. If you ask "where is Liam?" He'll put his head down on the ground like he's hiding, and then come up for a peekaboo. In fact, I once made the mistake of asking "where is Liam" when he was in the tub....had to prevent a drowning then.
On Liam's birthday we had a huge party! Elmo was our theme and Liam loved the attention and the balloons. He was overwhelmed by all the people though, and the smash cake needed help getting smashed because Liam wanted to pet Elmo and was very sad when he got smashed! Since we took so many pictures, I'm sharing the link, so that I don't have to post each photo here:
Here's to year number 2!!!!