My Handsome Boy |
For some reason it feels like this month went by faster than most of the others. Liam's getting bigger by the day! At 10 months he weighs 21 lbs, and we're not sure how long he is....but he's long enough to reach the floor in his walker and run around like crazy!
In the crawling department, there is still not much progress. He'll mostly go backwards, though sometimes he'll go forward for a tiny distance. He doesn't like crawling though. He's a pro at cruising! He's getting better at pulling himself up too-though most of the time he needs help. A couple of days ago he also started getting into a sitting position by himself-finally! :)
At this point his feedings are divided pretty equally between bottles and solids. He gets 3 bottles a day, and has 3 solid meals a day plus snacks. His favorite foods seem to be the salty/savory foods. Safta Tova's chicken soup with veggies is still a favorite, as is a goulash of chicken with potatos. His favorite snack, by far is the little puffs. He can eat those non-stop, which is, I guess a good things since to get 25 calories out of them you have to eat a crazy number like 75. Another milestone-he's finally learned to hold a sippy and drink from it, though he's still learning to tip it up all the way when it's getting empty. Water is his beverage of choice. He doesn't care for juice! We're still working on eating real solid foods-as in pieces. The puffs work well, bites of fruit bar, mac and cheese, etc. But he still gags on most real pieces of food.
Playtime is tons of fun these days. He loves playing with his toy farm which makes animal sounds. He's learned to open and close gates and doors to make the sounds go. He also has nesting cups which are a current favorite, as well as a Mickey airplane that has a spinning fan/propeller. But by far, his favorite thing to do is read books and be read to. Reading time has to be planned in advance at our house, because we can't stop after one book. It has to be all his books, and it has to be again and again. I've never seen a 10 month old with such an attention span for books! And when it's time to stop, he'll throw a fit like no other-so we always have to have a quick and favorite distraction.
Only 2 months left until his first birthday! We think we've changed themes from Barney to Elmo, but we're not sure yet. Both are his favorite. Any opinions are welcome!!!