Friday, August 13, 2010

6 Weeks Old!

I went from this....
To this!!!

It's hard to believe that 6 weeks have passed.  Liam got weighed yesterday and he's now 9 lbs 3 oz!  Whoa!  No wonder he doesn't fit into his newborn clothes anymore.  No sirree bob!  We're now in 0-3 month clothes.  Woohoo!

He still doesn't sleep very well at night, but he's such a good baby!  He hardly ever cries, and is very easy going.  He's starting to hold his head up more, and look around.  He makes great eye contact too, and tracks objects really well.

I go back to work full time on Monday.  In a way I'm looking forward to it because I miss adult conversation (though what adult conversation do we have as pre-k teachers???) .  But I'm dreading leaving Liam, and dreading the logistics.  How the hell am I going to have time to get anything done around the house? I got spoiled this summer.  The good news is that Liam will stay with my mom, and I trust her a million percent.  So no worries over how he'll do there.  He already slept better at her house than here!  I told her she could adopt him!!!

I can't wait till Liam smiles.  I know, I just know it's coming soon.  I can't wait to share it with everyone!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How Did a Month Pass So Quickly?

So Liam is a month old today.  I'm living in a sort of haze.  I was cleaning up around the house and found the pregnancy tests I took back in November!  It was so unreal then!  And now he's a month old.  He eats a lot-about 3-4 oz. per feeding.  But last night he slept fairly well.  Maybe we're starting a trend!  He tracks with his eyes AND moves his head to follow an object!  What a big boy! :) 

I'm feeling very VERY possessive of Liam.  This surprises me.  I was sure that this being my second baby I'd be more easy going, willing to let anyone help me.  Not so much!  Since my mom is going to take care of him when I go back to work, and, it IS my mom and I trust her with my kids' lives, I don't mind her helping.  I even let Liam spend the night there when Brian and I need extra rest.  And Brian is amazing with Liam.  It's so not a matter of trust!  But even when it's Brian's turn to take Liam for the night I do the last feeding most of the time, and just have a hard time handing him over.  I just want to hug and kiss and touch his soft skin all the time, and to feel his formula breath on me.  I'm nuts, I know!  I chalk it up to the fact that Brian very adamantly states over and over again that Liam is our last baby, and I just can't accept that.  But just in case, I want to spend every possible baby minute with him!  I can't wait to see what he does tomorrow.